Baldness might seem like a problem that only "ordinary" people face, while most movie stars have thick, strong, and healthy hair long after they should have, due to their age, less or at least somewhat less hair. So what’s really going on?
Clearly, baldness is not a desirable trait on the red carpet, where appearance is everything. Stars strive for a youthful look, which they often manage to maintain well into their sixties or seventies. Even younger actors and actresses carefully hide their thinning hair, a result of chemical substances or simply the passage of time.
Both male and female Hollywood actors struggle with hair loss, each tackling the issue in their own way. Some resort to hair extensions, others wear wigs, some undergo hair transplants, while others change their hairstyle altogether, and some rely on the right lighting on the big screen...
Mel Gibson, for instance, the star of numerous films such as Lethal Weapon, Braveheart, and Maverick, had thinning hair years ago, only to suddenly appear in public with a full head of hair again. Kevin Costner faced a similar issue. Unhappy with his on-screen appearance, he initially spent large sums of money on 'digital hair addition,' but later decided to change his hairstyle for real and is now proudly sporting short, gray, yet lush hair.
Ben Affleck, the star of Armageddon and Pearl Harbor, reportedly lost his wig during a rough "tugging" incident with a friend. He has never admitted to this, but there are photos showing varying heights of his hairline.
Al Pacino, despite being seventy-three, still has a thick head of dark hair. Since his hair visibly thinned during the filming of The Godfather trilogy in the seventies, he has apparently undergone at least one hair transplant operation.
The list of stars with "fixed" hairstyles in one way or another is quite long, so let's just mention a few: Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Edward Norton, Bruce Willis, Burt Reynolds, etc.
But hair loss is not an issue only for male actors. Female actors also face this, albeit much less noticeably. Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan are examples of natural thinning and hair loss. Both are trying to conceal it in one way or another. There are also many female stars who are becoming bald due to chemical treatments, such as overly aggressive hair dyes, stress, or pregnancy. Anna Kendrick, the star of Twilight and Up in the Air, lost her hair due to stress when she was nominated for an Oscar. Selma Blair experienced partial hair loss after giving birth, while Jennifer Aniston admitted that the extensions she sometimes wears are thinning her hair.
Not all actors and actresses are so secretive about their baldness. Georgio Van Cuylenburg, for example, was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata at twenty-six when she started losing her hair significantly. Instead of hiding her baldness from the public, the young actress openly addressed it and even made a documentary about herself.
Many actors are openly bald or have shaved heads, and there are many rankings of the most attractive bald men, including some of the most sought-after actors of our time.
Ultimately, baldness is only a problem in our minds – if we don't let it burden us, then it simply doesn't matter.
Tags: Movie Stars Baldness Hair Loss Alopecia Hair Transplants Wigs Hollywood Hair Care Celebrity Hair Loss Hair Extensions Maintaining Youthful Appearance
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