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Facts about hair loss

By Maja Zule - 14 Nov 2024 12325 0 comments
Facts about hair loss


Hair is an essential part of our body with its own life cycle, progressing through various stages. The first stage, known as the anagen phase, lasts between two and six years, depending on the individual. During this initial phase, hair is actively growing, with cells dividing and the hair strand lengthening. The longer the anagen phase, the faster hair grows. When the second phase, the catagen phase, begins – lasting around two weeks – the hair follicle shrinks, disconnects from blood vessels, and stops receiving nutrients. This shrinkage pushes the hair root outward. In the final phase, called the telogen phase, the follicle remains dormant for one to four months until a new hair begins to form, eventually pushing out the old hair, which is still seated in the follicle, starting a new anagen phase.

In cases of hair loss, hair may exit the growth (anagen) phase prematurely and enter directly into the resting (telogen) phase. In a damaged follicle, hair then grows more slowly or stops altogether. However, not all hair loss is a sign of balding and isn’t necessarily a reason for concern.

The hair left on brushes after combing is completely normal, as it’s typical to lose between eighty and one hundred strands daily. Seasonal shedding is also common, becoming more intense in spring and autumn as hair follows its natural cycle. Since we have about one hundred thousand hairs on our scalp, this isn’t worrying unless we start losing over one to two hundred hairs per day, or if noticeable bare patches, large or small, appear on the scalp.

There are two types of hair loss: temporary and permanent. Temporary hair loss can be influenced by various factors like stress, certain medications, pregnancy, unbalanced nutrition, and more. These factors are often manageable, and symptoms typically subside once their impact on the body diminishes. Seasonal shedding is also included in this category. Permanent hair loss is harder, if not impossible, to stop as it affects or even destroys hair follicles. Causes of permanent hair loss are genetic, medical, hormonal, or simply due to aging.

Both men and women lose hair as they age. For men, pattern baldness – which occurs on specific parts of the scalp, most commonly at the crown – is more common, while women usually experience general hair thinning. For men, balding can start as early as their thirties, with most men experiencing some degree of baldness or pattern by sixty. The average daily hair loss rate is similar for both genders, though it varies from person to person.

Excessive hair loss can often be prevented, at least partially, if we recognize the issue early and take appropriate action. There are many products that aid in the fight against hair loss, such as shampoos, gels, medications, and more. Surgical hair transplants are also an option, though they aren’t suitable for all candidates and can be costly. The best approach is natural prevention through a diet that provides essential nutrients for healthy hair, using gentle shampoos, air drying, and even scalp massages, which improve blood circulation to promote healthier hair growth.

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