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Do women like men who are bald?

By Maja Zule - 27 Jun 2024 11349 0 comments
Do women like men who are bald?


Advertising campaigns that bombard us daily almost everywhere tend to showcase the same beauty ideal – a slim, young woman with long hair and a tall, muscular man with thick hair. These stereotypical images of the 'ideal' woman and man are so deeply rooted in our minds that most people strive to get as close to them as possible. But what happens when Mother Nature takes its own course and plays with our appearance? When flawless skin begins to wrinkle, and lush hair starts to fall out?

The latest research suggests that men should no longer be concerned about hair loss, as many women actually prefer a smooth, shaved scalp over a full head of hair. According to many, baldness indicates a sense of neatness and physical cleanliness. Such men don’t have to spend time every morning to look good – they can simply get out of bed, and voilà – the perfect look is already there!

Women also associate baldness with greater confidence, and these men often appear more masculine in their eyes. This is because a shaved head is often linked to traditionally masculine professions, such as police officers, soldiers, firefighters, and professional athletes. Those who are bald or losing their hair need to be more self-assured and carry themselves with confidence and pride. Women may even perceive them as taller than average men. And let’s not forget, how many movie stars and famous personalities are bald? Just think of Bruce Willis or Dwayne Johnson, two of Hollywood's most desirable bachelors!

Of course, this doesn’t mean that all women prefer shaved heads or emerging baldness. In fact, the latter is one of the least attractive 'hairstyles' overall, so for men experiencing significant hair loss, it’s often recommended to shave the remaining hair. A clean-shaven look, carried with confidence and not hidden under hats or other covers, will be much more appreciated by the opposite sex than a poorly concealed bald spot on the crown. It also appears dominant and attractive. Furthermore, overly thick hair and 'love rugs' are things of the past and are far from today’s beauty standards.

Not all women, however, like bald heads. On the contrary, many appreciate being able to touch their partner's hair and run their fingers through it. Still, a confident bald man is often more appealing than a shy, introverted guy with a perfect hairstyle.

So, which advice should you follow? If you have thick and healthy hair, there’s no need to shave just for the sake of a dominant and confident look, as women still generally prefer a head with hair, especially if it looks good. However, if you’re experiencing significant hair loss or an unusual balding pattern, it may be best to simply shave the remaining hair and carry yourself confidently without worrying about comments. Soon enough, ads with perfect-looking people will be a thing of the past. With this style, you’ll have minimal to no maintenance, look neat every day, and women will likely appreciate your bold choice.

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